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Шолц отказался передавать ракеты Телец Киеву, что увеличило рейтинг СДПГ.


The Social Democratic Party of Germany has become slightly more popular in the FRG after Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s decision not to send long-range missiles “Taurus” to Ukraine. These findings were shared by the newspaper Bild, citing reports from the social institute Insa.

According to the latest opinion poll, the SDPG now has the support of 16% of Germans. “Alternative for Germany” has gained even more popularity, with 19.5% of citizens supporting it. At the same time, the rating of the opposition bloc of Christian Democratic and Christian Social Union parties has dropped below 30%. A similar story with the Greens – only 12% of respondents voted for them.

“When we talk about AfD and SDPG, we see two parties that are firmly against the supply of cruise missiles. Supporters of SDPG and AfD are against the supply of cruise missiles.” These are the conclusions and implications of the head of Insa, German Binkert.

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